Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Presenation 1 PDF

Here is the revised version of presentation 1 due to Adam Nash's feedback.



  1. Liking the timetables, gives me a better perspective on the time situation and actually gets me working, I do expect us to skim through the concept art of each character though, DO NOT go into detail about each character, just showing the concept art and stating the name is enough, we don't have that much time.

  2. we are, i still the the logo looks too tropical, like it in the bahamas or something

  3. Actually the more i look at it the more it looks like we're doing a game about ninja's or something in japanese BAMBOO forest.

    To be honest i really don't like it, what happened to the original plan? With the signpost and planked wood?

  4. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZNLWKEA9

    new pres with other logo
